The two most well-known ways to propagate trees are grafting and air layering. Sometimes, because these methods have similarities, they get confused with one another. This post explains the differences between grafting and air layering, so you can choose which one is...
Although most of us have chosen to homestead to get away from the rat race, we still want to earn money. Keeping your homestead profitable can be difficult and depends on many factors. Raising animals can be a rewarding and time-consuming addition to your...
Whether you’re looking to lower your electricity bill or live off the grid, a solar water heater is an excellent choice for your family homestead. You’re not alone if you’re wondering how long it takes for a solar water heater to heat up. ...
Looking for an enjoyable farmyard animal that can produce both meat and milk for your off-grid family? Goats are highly adaptable animals that thrive in Hawaii. In fact, there are large packs of feral goats in many areas on the leeward sides of the Hawaiian...
Whether you’re new to off-grid homesteading or a veteran, you’ve probably considered or bought a generator before. But what is the right size generator for your off grid homestead? Off grid cabins that rely on a generator for 100% of its electrical...