I did a lot of research when trying to choose a new generator to replace my old one. I ended up purchasing a Honda 2200eu Generator because it was affordable, dependable, quiet and could power almost anything I asked of it, in moderation of course. A 2000 watt...
One of the few places in the United States where you can grow vanilla is right here in Hawai’i. It’s a pretty new crop to the islands, only having been cultivated for just over 20 years. Because it likes to climb, vanilla grows best alongside trees or up...
One of the best things about living in a tropical climate is the ability to grow delicious fruit year-round. One of the tastiest and most nutritious tropical fruits is papaya. They can be enjoyed green. or ripe and juicy. While papaya trees grow rapidly from...
When I decided to go off grid, I knew that I was not going to ditch a fridge. I had to come up with a long-term option for my lifestyle that would feel comfortable. Lucky for us, fridge technology has come a long way in making it that much easier for those of us off...
Many people living off grid have a propane fridge. Itʻs a great option if you donʻt have enough electricity to power up a conventional, electric fridge. What few propane owners fail to do though is keep their propane fridges clean. Every 6...