I love living off grid, generating my own power from solar. But it comes with a price. Instead of just plugging things in without giving it a second thought, being off grid means I have to seriously consider what electrical power load I’m asking my...
Let’s talk about growing worms. If you have never thought of worm farming before, don’t be disgusted or intimidated by these little critters – they are actually very useful, especially for a homestead! Worm farms, or vermicomposting, convert...
Rabbits are known to be one of the best animals to raise on the homestead. They can provide a reliable source of meat, produce nutritious manure that your plants will love, and can even keep the grass down. But how much work does it really take to raise...
There is nothing worse than losing all your groceries due to a power outage. Luckily there are ways to work around even the worse blackouts. Even if you don’t have a generator, you can keep your fridge running smoothly with your car battery. To run a...
Dust, dirt, and grime building up on your solar panels? Even in a rainy location like East Hawai’i, rainwater is not enough to keep my solar panels clean. They regularly get caked in dirty grime, even with 150” of rain per year. To clean your solar...