Hawai’i is a lush jungle paradise. But lurking underneath all that bounty lies a thin layer of soil that at times, just isn’t enough. Many spots only have lava rock to grow on. Others are dealing with badly degraded soils from years of abuse...
Gardeners in the know are familiar with Nitrogen Fixing plants, but the majority of gardeners out there have never even heard of them. Imagine, a plant that will add valuable nitrogen into the soil so that your fruit trees or vegetables can grow even better and...
The word is out. Composting is in style. Turning your food waste into compost gold is what all the hip kids are up to these days. How about you? Do you compost? How about composting with worms? Using worms to compost your kitchen waste is a really...
Gardening in Hawai’i is typically considered the Garden of Eden, but when it comes to growing Zucchini, you may as well be in the pits of hell. Most gardeners in Hawai’i give up on the plant. It’s prolific reputation does not hold up in the...
Spring is in the air. The days are getting longer, the weather is getting warmer and the hatcheries are ready to ship baby chickens to build your new flock. But which do you choose?There are so many different breeds of chickens and not all of them do well...