When you think of growing food in Hawaii, many people imagine pineapples, papayas, and mangoes. However, Hawaii can support a huge variety of crops because of its many microclimates. In a few of those microclimates, you can find cool-season crops such as...
If you live in Hawaii, then you’ve probably seen the evergreen bushes with white blossoms, and you’ve likely seen these tiny ‘pumpkin shaped’ sweet-and-sour tasting fruits. These small red fruits go by many names: Pitanga, Pumpkin Cherries,...
There was a time when using a generator with a washing machine was nearly out of the question, simply because older model washing machines pulled so much wattage that it wasn’t really worth it. But, nowadays, washing machines are much more efficient and are...
Homesteadin’ in the Tropics, huh? But what if you want to grow something that isn’t a tropical fruit or vegetable? What if you just want a salad with lettuce from your own backyard? There’s good news – you can grow lettuce in...
If you like the taste of fresh, juicy lychee fruit, you should probably be growing a tree of your own. The good news is, it’s pretty easy to grow a lychee tree from seed. The bad news is it takes a long time for these trees to grow and bear fruit. Air layering...