Off-Grid Homesteading

What Fruits Do (and Don’t) Grow True-to-Seed
When starting a garden, orchard, or fruit forest, you need to be aware of genetics. Yes, plant genetics matter. How a plant propagates plays a role in the quality and variety of fruit you’ll harvest later on. So, which fruits grow true to seed? Here in Hawaii, papaya,...

8 Heat Tolerant Tropical Greens That Are Easy To Grow
If you’re establishing a homestead in the tropics, then you may have discovered that some of the most popular greens (like lettuce or spinach) don’t do so well in the heat. However, if you take a look around and learn a bit about the traditional greens consumed by...

Edible Tropical Plants That Can Stand The Heat
There are a lot of heat-tolerant edible plants that thrive here in the tropics, but after years of growing a lot of them, I found a few that I like the best. Heat-tolerant edible plants should be the priority foods for any tropical homestead. They will thrive in your...

Can You Grow Asparagus In The Tropics?
There are some vegetables that thrive in temperate climates and need cooler weather to row best - like brussels sprouts and artichokes. But what about another cool-weather vegetable; asparagus? Can you grow asparagus in the...

Growing Potatoes in Tropical Climates
Potatoes are known as root vegetables that do best in cooler climates. However, it is possible to grow certain varieties of potatoes even in the tropics. You heard that right! There are heat-tolerant varieties of potatoes that can grow in the tropics, as long as...

All About Processing, Storing and Cooking Cassava
Do you have Cassava growing in your garden? Well, you should. Cassava has the highest amount of starch in a root vegetable (yes, more than potatoes) and it is one of the most popular starch the world-over in locations like East and West Africa, and parts of...