Off-Grid Homesteading
How Can You Tell How Old Bamboo Is?
Bamboo is the world’s most useful plant. It is used for making furniture, building homes, for trellises in the garden, as a musical instrument and so much more. In order to use it properly, one must determine the age of the bamboo culm before...
Why Are Houses in Hawaii Built Off the Ground?
Homes in the tropics were built off the ground to ensure airflow, passively cooling the house in a warm environment. It also helps with insect control, flooding and inhibiting mold growth.
What are the Best Vegetables to Grow in Hawaii?
Everyone knows that Hawaii is a plant paradise, but few know the real secrets before you get here. Hawaii is filled with a variety of microclimates, from dry deserts to lush rain forests. What may grow well in one area may not grow in another. There...
Off Grid Rainwater Harvesting in Hawai’i
Check out our Rainwater catchment system and learn how you can harvest your own rainwater at your off-grid homestead. We show you our system from roof to pump.
Can Rainwater Be Used for Showers?
Harvested Rainwater is perfect for using in the shower. Its safe and in most cases even better than municipal water.
The Cost of Going Off Grid in Hawaii: 10 Things to Consider
Have you ever wondered how much it would cost to go off grid in Hawaii? We break down the costs every step of the way.