Hawai’i is where the idea for permaculture was born. Long before the word was even coined by its founder, Bill Mollison, the original inhabitants of Hawai’i created a system of agriculture that regeneratively produced more than enough food for...
Imagine a job that allowed you to make a decent income while restoring ecosystems and communities? A job that didn’t require you to compromise your ideals for a paycheck. No such job exists you say? There is always some moral code you have to break...
We live in an exciting time. Information is everywhere! Learning new methods and techniques to grow one’s food and regenerate soils can be found in a quick Google search. There you may learn about Keyhole beds, Chicken Tractors, Swales,...
The work of a Permaculture Designer is very rewarding. Day in and day out you are tasked with designing systems that integrate the natural designs of nature and the constraints of man to create a regenerative ecosystem. In order for a Permaculture Designer...
When it rains, the water on your landscape can become a destructive force. Within hours, stormwater can wash away gardens and undermine structural foundations. Without proper design, you are at the forces of Mother Nature every time it rains. Permaculture...
The Islands of Hawai’i have a long history with perennial food forest systems. The first people to come to Hawai’i created a food forest system, known as an ahupua’a, that not only provided for its people but also for the land and sea as...