The Best Ways To Store Rainwater?

The Best Ways To Store Rainwater?

You’ve heard me say that water is only as clean as the container you store it in, so it only makes sense that I do a post about the best ways to store rainwater, right?  The point of appropriately storing rainwater is all about health and sanitation:...
Do Swales Belong In Wet Climates?

Do Swales Belong In Wet Climates?

Image Courtesy The Lili House Farm If you get plenty of rain year-round, as we do in Hawai’i, then you may think that swales aren’t that useful for your homestead. But, when swales are properly designed, they perform an important duty of not only...
12 Ways To Use Harvested Rainwater

12 Ways To Use Harvested Rainwater

It is easy to set up a basic rainwater system with even just a few rain barrels. But, what are you going to do with that rainwater? Beyond the most obvious: watering the garden, do you know what else you can do with collected rainwater? What Can Collected Rainwater Be...